Friday, August 13, 2010

Pilates - The thought of body

Developed in late 1800 and mid 1900 by Joseph Pilates, Pilates is a system for detecting the position, which coordinates all the movements you make space and time. In other words, Pilates is so much mental as it is the body. Each exercise is designed to make you feel your body.

Joseph Pilates, creator of Pilates called his method Contrology, since it was created to teach people to control your mind, giving them total control over their bodies. That is why Pilates is known for creating a thinking body.

We all know the five main senses: smell, hearing, sight, touch and taste. However, we also signals from other systems in our bodies that make up our position sensing system or your receipt. Here, then, receive signals that tells you it's time to eat, or thirsty, or need sleep. Thus, within each of us has an ongoing internal debate between our bodies and our minds and our faith is an instinctive way to manage our muscles so that they will do what we do.

The movements are designed by Joseph Pilates requires body and mind work in harmony. They also require a high concentration and precision of movement. But with repetition and practice, we are able to refine our proprioceptive sense and learn to focus our minds. Over time, our body used to perform these movements with control and precision, without making us think about what we do. When Pilates scene, you can be sure that you want more strength, flexibility, balance and coordination than you thought possible.

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