For many it is a Pilates exercise program used to develop the muscles of the trunk or specific groups such as the abdomen. However, it was designed to focus on muscle tone and a holistic approach to total education, which includes both the mind and body to achieve correct postural alignment. In principle, it considers the entire body rather than targeting the areas problem. When using this exercise we know that the process is more important than the outcome. Your goal should be a body naturally aligned instead of what is culturally accepted by some groups. A properly aligned body is less prone to injury.
The key elements are lengthening and strengthening weaker muscles shortened the stabilization of the body by improving the quality of movement and focusing on the postural muscles. It is designed to assist breathing, control of every move, you can understand and improve body mechanics and develop mental relaxation. You should know that the mechanical system that allows the various movements of our body depends on the harmonious relationship between skeletal and voluntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are those that protect the spine and we can send a message through our brain. Involuntary muscles are those, like the pupil in the eye that act on themselves. The need to connect the body and mind in the exercise is essential to its beginning.
Its purpose is to help manage the entire body through repetition of exercises carried out so that you can gradually the natural co-ordination of Activities related to the subconscious. Many of the exercises in Eastern practices. Pilates himself wrote that all animals are the natural coordination and flexibility. Yoga and tai chi, for example, many of the positions are named after animals. Early age are naturally relaxed posture and mature, we strain our bodies are reflected in the alignment. The gaps that we unknowingly cause problems that may impede our growth and affect our strength and endurance. Sometimes, excessive muscular work or play hurt our body alignment.This training program helps solve these problems and the management of your mind. One aspect of the relationship between mind and muscle memory muscle. Anyone who has been a sport for a long time for their application to perform certain moves without thinking. This is muscle memory through repetitive use, and is a key element of learning a new exercise. This can cause many problems if you do a job on the basis of incorrect posture and again, causing a harmful muscle memory.
Pilates emphasizes muscle working in a coordinated structure of the mind and improve posture. Emphasizes the use of such a conscious, because when we lost, what your body and make the muscles of the body does not just how you feel, what you want to do. The exercises are dependent on working muscles in three ways, the first part of the body through exercise is a natural position and with the outside and inward rotation. Various exercises to isolate specific muscle groups that allow greater flexibility, strength and mobility. Playing with them to gradually improve your posture.
Choosing a Pilates remember that it is a combination of both mind and body exercise to improve the structure of the whole body. It can be used for some areas that need improvement, but when conducted in conjunction with regular fitness program that contributes to spiritual development.
The author has used techniques fitness and nutrition for over 20 years and holds a BA from Boston University.
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